Starting from 2006, German operator of satellite TV - Sky Deutschland - is broadcasting its channels in HD quality. Initially, the company packages could be accessed from the Germany and Austria areas only. However, currently, audience from Russian and other CIS countries are able to enjoy the high quality of the Sky Deutschland TV-shows. Numerous new TV-channels were added to the three channels broadcasted at the beginning of the holding development. Thus, audience has got an opportunity to watch movies, sports, and adventure channels in high quality which is traditional for the Germany.
You will find cardsharing of full Sky DE package provided by our server excepting pay per view channels and UltraHD channels.
Package price - from 4.80 USD per month. Test the sharing package Sky Deutschland HD 19E in completely free!
ATTENTION! Cardsharing test access is provided only to one Cartoon Network channel (cccam and newcamd protocol)